Food Safety Knowledge Contest
In order to enhance the sense of unity and cooperation among all staff of the Catering Department and improve their comprehensive business ability, on the afternoon of 28th April, Anqing Foreign Language School organized all staff of the Catering Department to carry out the third Food Safety Knowledge Competition.
To begin with, the competition was presided over by Director Xu Hong of the Catering Department. In the meantime, Vice Principal Lu Dan, Director Hu Xianli of the Logistics Department and custodian Hu Fei were the judges. Specifically, centering on the essential knowledge of catering service staff, this knowledge contest asked questions and supplement knowledge of the staff. Additionally, the first, second and third prizes were awarded through required questions, quick answer questions and additional questions. After the competition, Vice Principal Lu Dan summed up the speech: firstly, he affirmed the significance of this activity; Secondly, he hoped that everyone would always keep in mind the knowledge of food safety and the essentials of standardized operation, so as to protect the safety and high-quality catering of all teachers, students and staff. Finally, he thanked everyone for their hard work and due diligence every day. Moreover, on the occasion of International Labor Day, he wished everyone a happy holiday and good health.
To put it in a nutshell, the competition further strengthened the publicity and education of food safety knowledge and improved the quality of food staff so that they would master and keep in mind the operation rules in the activities to better let the food safety awareness take root in the heart, and jointly build a solid barrier to ensure food safety.